




To engage students with varied activities and real-life opportunities to excite students.




To deliver a high-quality English curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges students to use written language including accurate spelling, for a wide variety of purposes.




To offer the opportunity for all students to be able to read, understand and respond to different types of genres.








To develop necessary skills to speak effectively in different situations to different audiences confidently.



The English curriculum reflects statutory requirements adapted to suit pupils with SEN.

Schemes of work are tailored to the needs and ability of each child and are based upon "pathways". These enable students to progress and succeed at their attainment levels.

Pupils are taught to read and spell using RWI fresh start. This is across the whole school.

Pupils who cannot access this are taught phonics using a more multisensory and kinaesthetic approach. This is linked to RWI ditty book scheme.

Pupils who are beyond Fresh Start Modules are taught  a more in depth curriculam based on a range of genres.

English is taught to all classes in KS4, with a focus upon accreditation through designated pathways that include Entry Level 1 to Functional Skills level 2.  Entry level students work towards the OCR specification, sitting internal examinations and completing coursework. Students working between Level 1 and Level 2 will complete AQA Functional Skills.

The curriculum for these pathways is modified to suit the relevant exam specification but includes writing fiction and a variety of functional or non-fiction, reading narrative and functional or informative texts and speaking and listening tasks such as one to one exchange, presentations, and group discussions. 

Qualifications are also internally and externally moderated yearly.  Curriculum monitoring takes place over termly basis and consists of:

Book scrutiny/marking and feedback, departmental meetings, pupil voice, resources, visual and hearing support, staff support for assessment process assessment expectations, evidence, recording, monitoring and moderation.

At KS5 English is part of an embedded curriculum; skills are transferable and contribute to Open College Network credits to support students readying them for the wider world and real-life situations.

As they continue on their journey through the school, the pupil's positive progress is measurable.





The scheme of work equips pupils with the knowledge and skills to read, write and communicate through spoken language.




The students develop a knowledge of the qualifications they will achieve and how these will support them to go on to destinations that meet their interest, aspirations, and the intention of their course of study.






Pupil progress assessment results inform pathways from KS3 to KS4 and for further education.


Our English team consists of 6 teachers plus specialist support staff in each session. The students have 3-4 hours of English per week. In addition to this there is an allocated session at the beginning of the day for phonics, this focuses on sounds, blending and reading.  After lunchtime is allocated for accelerated reading.

Achievement and Progress

On entry, students are assessed so that planning is supportive of the individual student needs.  Students' progress is then closely monitored throughout the school year to ensure that targets are met, and interventions can be introduced as required.

The tracking data and analysis from the students’ progression through KS3 is used to determine each learner’s English pathway in KS4.  Students follow either an Entry Level course, a Level 1 Functional Skills qualification or a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification.