Key Stage 3


Achievement and Progress

On entry students are assessed so that planning is supportive of the individual student needs.  Student progress is then closely monitored throughout the school year to ensure that targets are met and interventions can be introduced as required.

Curriculum Overview

English at Oaklands is based upon a spiral curriculum, whereby the curriculum focuses on key skills within English, which are then developed through a range of genres. Due to the nature of differing levels of ability our students have different starting points. Key skills may be introduced at different points during Key Stage 3. This is beneficial for our students as it allows us to pitch the curriculum personalised to their learning.

The Scheme of Work has been remodelled to comply with the 2014 National Curriculum and has been specially devised for our learners, it is based upon the ‘Read, Write, Inc. Fresh Start Scheme.  This is a nationally recognised programme aimed at older students with difficulties in English.  All sessions follow a specific pattern encompassing the three strands of reading, writing and speaking and listening. Sessions are carefully planned to support and extend as required with differentiation being a key factor to success.    The Scheme of work includes variations for all ranges of ability covering the key areas of study.  These include; oral language and comprehension, handwriting, basic letter formation, encoding and sound practice.   The extended Key Stage 3 curriculum promotes high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. This scheme will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them.

We use our half termly assessments to find the students’ challenge point. The document below shows how the challenge point progresses as students move through the Fresh start programme.

We pitch our teaching to ensure that individual needs are met as all of our students start learning at different points.

This programme of study is based on phonics.  Further information about the Fresh Start scheme can be found at

Once the students have completed the 33 Fresh start modules they will then move onto the next part of the curriculum.  This continues to develop love of literature through widespread reading of a range of genres, develop skills to speak and write fluently and generate ideas and emotions.  Summaries of writing are linked to a variety of genres and texts.  Finally, students will proofread extended pieces of writing.

"Year 9 quote and drawing from the famous Dr Seuss novel"










Students enjoyed an exciting performance of ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’ by the Storyhouse theatre in Chester :