
The Careers Department at Oaklands provides information, advice and guidance to students on a wide range of issues that help them build the skills they will need for working life.

Careers Lead: Andrew Robinson

email:                    Tel: 01606 551048 

Oaklands is committed to meeting the following 8 Gatsby benchmarks:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each student
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

Labour Market Information

‘Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help you to research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment’.

Please find the Labour Market Information here:


Provider Access Policy

Oaklands School believes in giving further education and higher education training providers the opportunity to talk to students at the school. Please view our Provider Access Policy at the bottom of the page.


Work experience and Employability Encounters

In February of year 11 a week is set aside for an official work experience. We work with MPLOY SOLUTIONS, the company that the school also use for the Year 12 work experience placements. MPLOY assist students throughout the process and have a selection of employers for students to use if they do not manage to arrange a placement independently.

We encourage students to be pro-active and find a placement themselves, as this encourages them to contact employers in a professional manner and represent themselves appropriately.

We often see students fall in love with careers, focus their career path towards something they were inspired by in their week of work and we have had many students come back with job offers!


Career Action Plans and Support

Careers Resources

Careers is taught as a stand alone subject for all year groups (see curriculum tab). Elements of the Careers curriculum are also covered in many other subject areas as well as in PSHE.



Measuring Impact

We continually measure and assess the impact of our programme in various ways such as parent and tutor surveys as well as inviting feedback from employers who have been involved in activities. We also use destination data obtained from Post-16 colleges to monitor trend about where our students move onto.


Employer Engagement

Oaklands School is keen to develop links with local and national employers in order to provide the best opportunities for the young adults that we teach.

How we can help you:

Working with our staff and students can help your organisation to:

      • Provide development and leadership opportunities for your employees

      • Best represent your industry’s needs with your future talent pool

      • Meet your CSR objectives

      • Raise your local profile

How you can help us:

All subjects become enriched when students experience work related learning and employer engagement opportunities.

You could support a student, teacher, subject or year group in the following ways:

      • Sponsoring a subject prize

      • Offering a work experience placement or project for our students

      • Supporting a subject area with specialist knowledge or case study material

      • Giving general funding

For further details pleas contact

We are proud to already have partnerships with the following organisations:


Useful websites
This is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages where you can find help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills or seeking careers advice.This page is currently awaiting content
Prospects is the graduate careers website. There is a wealth of information about graduate careers.
Start is a free, online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential.
Generally careers guidance and information.

A website to support searching for local apprenticeships across all levels.

If your child requires additional impartial careers advice please speak to Mr Robinson who can arrange an appointment.